Friday, December 31, 2010

We Digress

Talia is now four months old as of December 28th.

Her birth
date is August 28th, 2010 and she made her grand entrance into the world at 2:41 am weighing 8lbs, 4 oz. and at 22 inches long. (No wonder I felt like she was taking up the full extent of my middle... she was!) She had a full head of hair, a good set of lungs, and a very active little body. For a little history on her name: Talia
is just a great, slightly unique name that happens to mean
"morning dew." Matan means "gift" in Hebrew and also has the ending of "an" which was as close as we could get to honoring the tradition on Mama's side of the family of all the girls having "Ann" somewhere in the name. (Joanna, Alice Ann, Sylvia Ann, Anna from the Drug Store, Anna from Babylon, you get the idea.) And, of course, you all read about the family name change to Waters way
back when...

Ahhh.... defeat

Okay folks, it seems that the we are unable to handle mobile me.

I don't know exactly why this is, but I give up. I'm throwing in the towel - for now - and am reverting back to what I know. Too much time has already passed without blogging.

Until I have a handle on my mac and understand how to keep that blog going... this is the new new location for updates and pics of the kiddies!